Bowls, Night Owls, Functions, Dining 08 8337 1251

Thursday night brought another start to our new season of night owls and…WOW… what a start we had.

No less than 9 new teams have joined our competition and so a very warm Payneham welcome is extended to

  • The Rolling Stones. Watch these lads…check the Tuesday night shield…enough said
  • Unbiased and so you ask where have The Boomers and The Gallopers gone…don’t be fooled by the name change because here they are…back again and bigger than ever
  • Margiasti…a new team and first up winners. Welcome to our wonderful club.
  • Bowling Stones. Another new team and another first up winner. Welcome to Payneham
  • Johnny and The Pussycats. Is that you from International Tiles??
  • The Bar. Will only get better as the season progresses. Welcome lads and bowl well
  • J L Hookers. One of our sponsors (thank you) and all the best
  • Honolulu Hounds, Another Tuesday night transfer and easy to spot. Hawaiian shirts a big hint

First night saw no less than 2 draws. Misfits just ahead of The Bahamas. Forever Young just ahead of The Bar. Talk about close. Close is good…but.

Winners of the night and a team to watch were Marche. Well done to Saturno, Fred, Naz and Luciano. Welcome back and keep up the good bowls.

Thank you everyone for the  smooth transfer from Doug to Noel

And so from Noel

Stay safe and see you all again next week…onwards and upwards

Current Premiership Table Thursday 12 October 2023i