Bowls, Night Owls, Functions, Dining 08 8337 1251
It’s that time of the year again! The weather might not look very spring-like at the moment, but we’re moving into spring and our October 2022 season of Night Owls is starting up again!

Night Owls restarts Tuesday 11th and Thursday 13th October. The season will go for 10 weeks, wrapping up for the year on Tuesday 13th and Thursday 15th December.

Just $7 per person, bowls hire included. Food is available to purchase before the game and our Panther’s Bar is always open. Flyer available below and you can check the Night Owls FAQs on our website for more information.

So get the team together, come along and enjoy another season of Night Owls! Click here to register your interest or email or call us on 8337 1251.

Sign up to our Night Owls news for the latest updates and announcements.

See you all soon!